Thursday, September 23, 2010

James- My new love

Yes, I have a new love, his name is James.  However, don't worry and call my husband, James lived 2000 years ago or so.  And I don't really love him, just his epistle to the church.

For Precepts this fall we are studying James and if that were not enough, I am also teaching a 5 week study on James for the ladies at my church.  I am loving it and I'm sure themes from James will arise throughout the next few months as I immerse myself in the book.

photo courtesy of Precepts Ministries International

The thought I have for today is from Kay Arthur's lesson on James 1 last week.  She said James is not about Ephesians 2:8-9, how a person can be saved, but rather it is about Ephesians 2:10, how to live once you are saved.  The book of James really is a 'how to' manual for Christian living!


  1. I love Kay Arthur studies. Our ladies Bible study is on our third Kay Arthur study and we love her style of digging into the Word and seeing what God has for us.
    I hope your study goes well :)

  2. I love them too! This is my 4th year. I have learned so much! I like when things just click!
