Friday, October 29, 2010

Salty or Sweet?

You know how after you eat something salty, you want something sweet?

And after you eat something sweet, you really need something salty, right?

This is a dilemma.  My solution: a handful of Dove chocolate with peanut butter and a bag of pepperoni.

Yes, I sat on the couch and read a book with both of these beside me.  Wonderful. (And pathetic.)


  1. Hehe...good thing you're going through all those work out videos!

  2. pepperoni??? interesting... you have got to try the pretzel m&m's

  3. The Dove chocolate with peanut butter sounds good... the pepperoni, not so much.

  4. I like to eat pepperoni as a snack. I guess that's odd. :) I've heard about those m&ms Liv! Sounds good. And yes, Magen, that is why I have to work out, days like that!
